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Tassimo Happy Instructions

Are you the proud owner of a TASSIMO Happy coffee machine? On this page you'll find everything you need to know about your TASSIMO Happy. Discover how to use your TASSIMO Happy: how to make your favourite drinks, solve potential issues and learn how to descale and clean your Bosch TASSIMO Happy coffee machine.

TASSIMO Happy descaling instructions

TASSIMO Happy descaling instructions

When your TASSIMO Happy shows a red light next to 'calc', it's time to descale your coffee machine. Watch the descaling instruction video or follow the steps below.

  1. All you need are 2 Bosch TASSIMO descaling tablets and a container of min. 17 fl. oz.

  2. Take the water tank from the side of your TASSIMO Happy and fill with fresh water up to the marking 'calc'. Add the two descaling tablets and wait untill fully dissolved. Place the water tank back in the machine.

  3. Take the Service Disc from the bottom right side of your TASSIMO Happy machine. Place the Service Disc with the barcode facing down in the coffee machine where your normally place your coffee pod.

  4. Place the container under the machine and hold the start/stop button for about 5 seconds. The descaling programm will now start. The status and descaling 'calc' lights will flash to indicate the machine is descaling.

  5. After approximately 30 minutes, both lights will stop flashing and will light up. This means the first stage is done. Empty the container and clean the water tank with a soft cloth. 

  6. Fill the water tank to the maximum and place it back. Also put the container back under your machine. Now press the start/stop button. The cleaning programm will now start.

  7. The status light will flash during cleaning. Once it lights up, the programm is done. Empty the container and repeat the same cleaning program (from step 6) 2 more times to make sure all the descaling solution is gone.

  8. Once finished, remove the Service Disc and stow away in your TASSIMO Happy again. Fill the water tank with fresh water and place back into the machine. Your TASSIMO Happy has now been descaled and is ready for use again.

How to clean TASSIMO happy

How to clean TASSIMO happy

Enjoy the best quality coffee, tea and hot chocolate by cleaning your TASSIMO Happy coffee machine regularly. For instructions, watch the video or follow the 5 easy steps below.

  1. To clean your TASSIMO Happy machine, you need a soft cloth and a container of at least 9 fl. oz.

  2. Remove the loose components and clean under running water or in the dishwasher. You can remove the cupstand, the T DISC mount and the pressing device from the head of the machine. Disassemble before cleaning. Click all the parts back into your TASSIMO Happy before proceeding.

  3. Take the water tank from the machine. Clean with a soft cloth and fill with water up to the maximum. Place the tank back on your TASSIMO Happy. Take the container and place it on the cupstand.

  4. Now get the Service Disc from the bottom right of your machine and place it into your TASSIMO Happy, where you normally place your T DISC. Close the head and press the button. The TASSIMO cleaning cycle will now start.

  5. When the display light stops flashing and lights up permantly, the cleaning cycle is finished. Empty out the container and stow the Service Disc back where you found it. Fill the water up with fresh water. Your TASSIMO Happy is now ready for use again.

How to use TASSIMO Happy

How to use TASSIMO Happy

TASSIMO Happy is very easy to use. If you're using the coffee machine for the first time, or haven't used it in a while, please clean it first. The video shows how to set up your TASSIMO Happy coffee machine and how to create drinks with it.

  1. To make a cup of coffee with your Happy coffee machine, make sure it's clean and plugged in.

  2. Place a mug, cup or coffee glass on the cup stand.

  3. Open the head of the coffee machine.

  4. Insert a T DISC (the official TASSIMO coffee pods) of your choice with the barcode facing down.

  5. Close the head again and press the button. Your TASSIMO Happy will recognize the barcode and serve your coffee, tea or hot chocolate perfectly. Enjoy!

TASSIMO happy Troubleshooting

To ensure that you can always use your TASSIMO Happy coffee machine in an optimal way, we are happy to help you with any questions you may have. Below you can find the frequently asked questions for TASSIMO Happy. Can't find a solution? Have a look at our Troubleshooting page or contact our customer service.

How to make a full cup with TASSIMO Happy?
Is your coffee smaller than expected? Press and hold the Start / Stop button to fill up your cup. Release the button when you have reached your desired quantity.

Why does my TASSIMO Happy show a red light?
When the red light is flashing or lighting up, you need to descale your Bosch TASSIMO Happy coffee machine. This is when it's the red light next to 'calc'. Are there other lights flashing on your TASSIMO Happy? Have a look at the 'TASSIMO lights' section on our Troubleshooting page.

How does the integrated BRITA FILTER work in TASSIMO MY WAY? The integrated BRITA FILTER prolongs the life of your TASSIMO MY WAY by preventing limescale build-up and helps release the full flavour and aroma of coffee, espresso and tea. This way you can enjoy the best coffee quality.

Which coffee pods can I use in my TASSIMO Happy?
All T DISCs, the official TASSIMO pods, are compatible with your TASSIMO Happy coffee machine. There are no specific TASSIMO Happy pods, all TASSIMO pods fit in your Happy. Buy your T DISCs online or in your local supermarket.


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