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Ratings & Reviews

How do we check and post reviews?

We publish all reviews, positive, neutral and negative. We check first that all reviews are accurate, reflect true events and meet our conditions.

Why are there reviews about articles?

The reviews we publish are meant to share with other customers how you experienced an article. While writing a review don't forget our conditions and your review will quickly be published.

Your review will not be published if

1. It contains:

  • Gibberish/nonsense
  • Profanities and/or inappropriate word(s)
  • Spelling and/or grammar mistakes, to a degree that the review is not understandable
  • Information about shipment/packing/service
  • Any threat/harassment/legal transgression/racist remark
  • Your Personal Details and Information. You may have added personal information not realizing the details will be published. Since we want to protect our Customers’ Privacy, all reviews containing elements such as card payment details, ID or Passport number, full name, email or physical address and phone number, will be rejected
  • Any mention of pricing. Since pricing can change on our website, reviews containing any mention of the price paid by the customer will not be published
  • Only a complain that the order had been cancelled or that you have received a notification that the item is out of stock

2. The review contains only product name and no other additional information

3. You have not opened or used the product yet 

4. You have included a competitor's details or product, and this review gives the competitor advantage over ours.

5. If there is a major difference between star rating and review content.
For example: a negative review is submitted with a 5-Star rating, will be rejected

6. In the review you claim that you did not order the product

7. The content of the review does not match the product page where it was submitted

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