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How do you clean a TASSIMO Machine

How do you clean a TASSIMO Machine

How do you clean a TASSIMO Machine

How do you clean a TASSIMO Machine

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Cleaning & Descaling Instructions

Want to ensure that you’re always getting the most out of your TASSIMO coffee machine? Regular cleaning means you can always enjoy the best tasting coffees and teas. To keep your TASSIMO coffee machine in top condition, we suggest you follow this schedule:

  1. 1

    Once a week, wipe your machine with a soft cloth

  2. 2

    Once a month, do the full cleaning cycle

  3. 3

    Descale your TASSIMO when needed

Find out how to clean your TASSIMO.

Weekly: TASSIMO quick clean (2-3 minutes)Weekly: TASSIMO quick clean (2-3 minutes)

Weekly: TASSIMO quick clean (2-3 minutes)

When not in use, carefully wipe down your TASSIMO coffee machine with a clean, soft cloth. Remove any coffee or tea that has spilled and remember to clean the barcode reader in the machine’s brew head.

Monthly: TASSIMO cleaning instructions (+/- 5 minutes)

Run your TASSIMO machine’s cleaning cycle at least once a month. This serves to thoroughly rinse out your coffee machine. First, unplug the machine; then, remove the detachable parts, wash them and then rinse them well. This is also the perfect time to clean the surface and brew head by wiping it with a clean, soft cloth. All you’ll need is water and the Service Disc to run the cleaning cycle. Dry all of the detachable parts, reassemble the machine, plug it back in and turn it on. Now, just follow these instructions:

  1. 1

    Fill your TASSIMO coffee machine’s water reservoir up to the maximum mark and get the yellow Service Disc (the cleaning disc) stored on the bottom or side of your TASSIMO machine.

  2. 2

    Now, open the brew head, position the Service Disc inside it and close. There’s a barcode on the Service Disc that will let your TASSIMO know that it’s time to run the cleaning cycle.

  3. 3

    Before you push start, be sure to place a heat-resistant container under the coffee spout. Let the cleaning begin! It will take about 2-3 minutes for the machine to complete the cleaning cycle.

  4. 4

    Once the status light stays on without blinking, your TASSIMO is finished with the cleaning process. Dispose of the water that came out into the container and put the Cleaning Disc back in its storage spot.

  5. 5

    Your TASSIMO machine has completed its cleaning cycle. Refill your water reservoir and you’re ready to make delicious TASSIMO hot beverages again!

Your specific TASSIMO model might have a slightly different cleaning cycle. Detailed and specific cleaning instructions for each TASSIMO machine model can be found on our Machine Maintenance page.

TASSIMO Descaling and Cleaning instructions (20 – 30 minutes)TASSIMO Descaling and Cleaning instructions (20 – 30 minutes)

TASSIMO Descaling and Cleaning instructions (20 – 30 minutes)

About four times a year, you’ll need to descale your TASSIMO machine, some of that depends on how frequently it’s used. TASSIMO’s most thorough cleaning cycle is the descaling cycle. This cycle is designed to remove limescale and calcium deposits to keep your machine in excellent condition. That means you’ll be able to get the best flavour from your favourite top-quality beverages. When should you descale? Not to worry, your TASSIMO coffee machine will let you know by illuminating the red ‘descale’ indicator light (spray icon or ‘calc’). TASSIMO has a helpful descaling video which shows you how to start the descaling cycle.

TASSIMO descaling instructionsBuy TASSIMO descaling tablets

How often does your TASSIMO machine need cleaning?

At least once a month, use the quick cleaning cycle to keep your TASSIMO machine in top shape. It’s important to wipe off any spilled coffee and tea and make sure the barcode reader is clean. Descale your TASSIMO whenever you see the red indicator light come on.

Is cleaning your TASSIMO machine really necessary?

Yes! Cleaning keeps limescale residue, calcium deposits and bacteria from building up. We recommend that you regularly clean and descale your TASSIMO machine. If you maintain your TASSIMO in tip-top shape, you’ll be sure to get optimal taste from high quality drinks and your machine will last even longer.

How do you use TASSIMO descaling tablets?

TASSIMO’s most thorough cleaning cycle is the descaling cycle. You’ll need to use two specially designed TASSIMO by BOSCH descaling tablets and dissolve them in the water reservoir’s water. Do not ever use vinegar or acetic acid-based descaling products, they can damage your machine and affect the flavour of your drinks.

Need more help with your machine?

First use of your machine

Watch our video ‘How to use a TASSIMO Machine’ and you’ll be taking your first sip in no time.

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