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Discover different types of milky coffees: latte, a latte macchiato, espresso macchiato, cappuccino and a flat white

When you are about to order a milky coffee in a café, it wouldn’t be a surprise that there is more on the menu than “just” a cappuccino and a latte macchiato. All the new coffee variations are really great, but it doesn’t make it easier for you to pick one. We are here to help you discover the differences between the milky coffees: latte, latte macchiato, espresso macchiato, cappuccino and flat white.

Tassimo coffee mugs

The similarities of all five milky coffees

All milky coffees consist of one or two shots of espresso. Next to that, warm frothed milk, including foam, is used for every milky coffee variation. That leaves us with the question: What are the real differences between these coffee types?

  • Cappuccino
  • Flat White
  • Latte
  • Latte Macchiato
  • Espresso Macchiato



The famous cappuccino coffee is very well known, and many people like to drink this coffee. This milky drink still asks for a more detailed explanation, because we like to discover what the differences are between him and his other “milky brothers and sisters”. A fun fact to start with: the cappuccino is a traditional Italian drink that is only served in the morning. It’s not likely for Italians to drink cappuccino during the day or in the evening. Something ‘good to know’ when you are visiting this beautiful country. Alright, what does the cappuccino consist of? It’s one third espresso, one third frothed milk and one third firm milk foam. When drinking a cappuccino, you will first experience a lovely stiff milk foam, followed by a rich and milky espresso. Did you know you can brew a lovely cappuccino at home with TASSIMO Cappuccino pods?

Cappuccino t discs


And than we have the flat white. Which is the newest addition to the milky coffee family, the little sister. The biggest difference between a flat white versus a cappuccino, is the use of a double ristretto (instead of espresso) and the thickness of the milk foam. The use of ristretto gives the flat white a richer coffee taste. The milk is also served differently. The foamed milk should be velvety smooth and topped with just a thin layer of micro milk foam which is blended into the warm milk. The foam layer shouldn’t have any air bubbles. If you like a more milky flavour, you can also make the flat white with a double espresso. When you order this coffee in your favourite coffee bar, the barista will most likely add a bit of art on your foam layer. The flat white is served in a smaller cup than the latte. TASSIMO also offers flat white coffee pods.



Meet the big brother of the cappuccino: the latte. A bigger and heavier milky coffee. The difference is the added amount of espresso and hot milk. For a latte you use one shot of espresso and three fourth frothed milk with just one fourth of foam on top. After preparation of the frothed milk, make sure you swirl the jug around to mix the warm milk with the foam. Tap the jug on the counter several times to get rid of any excess air in your foam. This way you’ll experience a latte with a rich foamy taste. Another good thing to know is not to order this drink in Italy, because when you do you’ll get a glass of milk. Latte means milk in Italian and Spanish. TASSIMO offers Latte pods to brew a latte at home.



Next to the latte, there is the beautiful sister: latte macchiato. But what is a latte macchiato and what is the difference between a latte and a latte macchiato? The difference between these two coffees is the way of pouring. With a latte, you start with espresso and then add the milk. A latte macchiato is a lot of milk with a shot of espresso. The latte macchiato is notable because you can clearly see the 3 different layers in the coffee. With a latte macchiato, you pour the espresso in the frothed milk very slowly so you’ll get the three beautiful layers. Warm milk, one shot of espresso and a rich milk foam on top. Discover our TASSIMO pods to have a latte macchiato at home



In Italian the word “macchiato” means "spotted" or "stained". But what is an espresso macchiato? This coffee is “stained” or “spotted” with a touch of milk. More specifically, an espresso macchiato is an espresso drink with a little frothed or steamed milk on top. This is poured over the espresso. Only a little milk is poured in so that the full flavour of the espresso comes through. Do you like intense espresso flavour and do you find a cappuccino just a bit too mild? Then you should definitely go for an espresso macchiato!

Latte Macchiato vs Espresso Macchiato

A latte macchiato and an espresso macchiato are two coffee drinks that contain milk, but what is the difference between espresso macchiato and latte macchiato? These two drinks are actually very different from each other. An espresso macchiato contains an espresso with only a tiny bit of frothed milk added on top of the espresso. A latte macchiato consists of a lot of steamed milk, a shot of espresso and foamed milk on top.

A latte macchiato is often served in a large glass while an espresso macchiato is served in an espresso cup. So, there is a relatively big difference between a latte and an espresso macchiato.

Cappuccino vs Latte

What is the difference between a cappuccino and a latte? Both drinks contain a shot of espresso and milk but they are very different from each other. A cappuccino contains steamed milk and frothed milk with an espresso. About ⅓ of the cappuccino is steamed milk then you have ⅓ frothed milk and ⅓ espresso.

A latte contains more steamed milk. A latte consists of about 150 ml of steamed milk. On top of that there is a small layer of foam and then espresso. The latte therefore contains much more milk, which is the main difference between cappuccino vs latte.

Now you know the differences between these milky coffees, you can buy your favourite TASSIMO coffee pods to create Barista style drinks at home!


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